Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Look me up on Facebook

Though I love reading everyone else's blogs I'm incapable of keeping up my own! LOL. Come find me on facebook! :-)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ice Cream

Lately, I've had quite the affinity for ice cream. Will caught me in the act last week during our crazy heat wave. Here I am, fresh out of the shower and dishin' out some good stuff.
Licking the ice cream spade. Yum.Posted by Picasa

Friday, April 17, 2009

Re-vamping my old blog

Once upon a time I fancied the idea of keeping a blog of my life experiences. Then, I got busy, travelled a ton and neglected the blog. That was the end of it. Now I find myself temporarily unemployed and pregnant so WHAT THE HECK? I'll try it again! For those of you who don't know (or don't regularly check facebook, we are expecting a baby girl at the end of May (May 30th to be exact) and couldn't be happier! In my "real(professional) life", I'm an architectural sales representative, but was laid off 2 months ago due to the economy. Now I am taking a much needed 6 months off from work to concentrate on keeping healthy and caring for our new bundle of joy. I will be returning to work come this fall (fingers crossed). For my first post, I thought I'd share a quick video that Will just took of me on our new Flip camcorder. If you haven't heard of this camera, it's about the size of an iPod and can record about 60 minutes of video at a time. Plus, it's super easy to upload the videos to the computer so hopefully I'll be really diligent about keeping this blog up to date with baby videos as well as pics. Enjoy!